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5 Ways To Ace Your Video Interview

21 Apr 2016

Brightwater Marketing Team

In today’s time-poor and global market, the rise of the video interview is inevitable. Although they can feel awkward, here are 5 handy steps to help you prepare and ensure you get the most out of your video interview.

1. Check your connection! – The night before and morning of your interview, make sure you have a solid network connection that won’t lead to you having voice issues or the dreaded image freeze when it’s interview time. This is a look that nobody can pull off successfully.
2. Dress the part – Yes, you’re at home and it’s a video interview, but it is still a formal interview. Dress appropriately and be polished enough to put your best foot forward. Do not even try to wear your PJ’s on the bottom and a jacket in case the fire alarm goes off and you’re caught on camera making your exit.
3. Watch your point of view – Get used to how you look and sound on video before conducting an interview. It’s vital to connect with your interviewer, especially during a remote meeting. Although it feels strange, look into the camera when speaking to make that personal connection.
4. Set the scene – Find a suitable spot to conduct your interview, without any distracting background. Standing in front of a window will just make you a black silhouette so you’ll need to find a light coloured, well-lit background. Switch off your phone, make sure the cat/dog/kids are fed and have plenty to keep them occupied and close doors and windows to eliminate background noise.
5. Behave as though you were there in person – That means by all means have your notebook and pen ready to jot down any key points but there is no avoiding the prep work. If you’re nervous and think that you can have a script discreetly on standby, you WILL be caught out as this will just make you sound more robotic and nervous.

If you’ve had a video interview, I’d love to hear how you got on.

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