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The backbone of every business

24 Apr 2019

Eileen Moloney

Today is National Administration Professionals’ Day – the day when administration staff, the backbone of every organisation, are appreciated for all the work they do! But what exactly makes these people so great? We’ve outlined just a couple of reasons below why administration professionals deserve a day for themselves!

1. They’re the face of the company
Think about it…. Who is the first person that clients meet or talk to? Usually it’s the receptionist greeting people coming in the door or the administrator who answers the phone. They’re on the frontline and represent your company on a daily basis. As such, they’re possibly the best ambassadors an organisation can have.

2. They’re the engine of the company
Let’s face it, without administration staff, letters wouldn’t be typed, the post would just sit there, phones wouldn’t be answered, the fridge wouldn’t be stocked up and the stationery cupboard wouldn’t be filled. While an administrator’s job spec could include the usual responsibilities like answering phones, typing, data entry, reception duties and filing of paperwork, it’s the special phrase “ad-hoc duties” in an administrator’s job description that helps a company run smoothly on well-oiled wheels. 

3. All the little things
It’s not office elves who organise the teas and coffees for guests or who organise files and enter vital information in on office systems on a daily basis. Nor does it happen by magic that the printers are stocked with paper or messages are taken when the sales staff are away from their desks. This comes under “all the little things” that administrators do all the time.

4. They know where everything is and how it works
From faulty printers and non-working coffee stations, from clogged toilets to delayed stock deliveries, the admin team know how to fix everything. And if they don’t, they know just who to call! They’re also vital sources of information and/or office gossip and can be your greatest ally in the company. They’re the company’s internal “Google” engine. Without them, organisations would flounder and quite possibly fail.

So today, on National Administration Professionals’ Day, take a moment out to appreciate everything your administration team do! Without them, you’d be lost!

To get the best administration staff to add to your already great team, call our Business Support division on 01 662 1000