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First Day Rules For Your New Job

27 Sep 2019


There are rules for everything - just as everyone is getting to grips with the rules of rugby in the World Cup, others are starting new jobs knowing there will be unwritten rules that they have to be guided by in order to succeed!

For the duration of the Rugby World Cup, it seems like everyone is suddenly a rugby expert and they know all the rules of rugby inside out: While some of the rules are well known, others are more difficult to understand. And for some, they’re not even written down anywhere. For example, it goes without saying that rugby grounds have to maintain a respectful silence when a player is taking a kick at the posts. But what of the unwritten rules that only insiders know?

It’s like the unwritten rules that you may not know or have forgotten about when joining a new company. On your first day, there are many pitfalls for the unwary. So we at Brightwater have helpfully outlined some pointers below on how to successfully get through your first day in your new job:

Be there on time: don’t be too early, your team may not be ready for you and reception won’t appreciate you sitting in their space for too long. Give yourself 5 minutes to spare. You may be starting on the same day as others and there could be a strict schedule for your induction that day which if you’re late, could mess up someone else’s schedule too. But whatever happens, don’t be late!

Dress appropriately: If you don’t know the corporate dress policy prior to your start date, always err on the side of caution and dress conservatively. When you’ve actually started and had a chance to look around, that’s when you can use your own judgement for your second day, (unless you’re starting on “Dress Down Fridays”, then you still have Monday to get through).

Keep a snack on hand: First days can be hard! And you don’t know when you’ll be able to grab something to eat in between finding your way around and induction sessions so keep a granola bar or fruit or chocolate on hand to munch on when you get hungry at your desk.

Use your phone within limits: Use your phone to record your notes about training / directions in a large office etc but do keep it on silent so as not to irritate your colleagues.

Make friends: Always introduce yourself to your colleagues with a smile, a firm handshake and repeat their name as they say it to you as a way of remembering them. Do try and memorise the name of your team and the support teams that are invaluable to you, particularly the internal IT team who will be your tech support. Don’t get dragged into cliques that start gossip about others on your first day, stay neutral and polite!

Game face: Just as the Irish rugby team will swallow their nerves before they leave the dressing room, it’s up to you to put your game face on. While your first day at a new job can be overwhelming, be professional, polite and approachable at all times.

Remember, you don’t need to know everything as you walk in the door of your new job. Ask as many questions as you like, do your research well in advance and enjoy your first day.

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