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Getting Started in Your Job Search

15 Jan 2016

Brightwater Recruitment

There are several reasons why you may want to move job; career progression, money, wanting more challenges or the opportunity to gain new skills. Whatever your reason, there are several ways to go about it.... Read on

Getting started in your job search can be the most difficult thing to do – you have to make some major decisions. It can be easier when you are a graduate and want to get your foot on the first rung of the corporate ladder. Further into your career, you tend to make the decision based on several factors; career progression, job security, work-life balance and location amongst others. Make sure that you carefully consider each variable before you start on your job search.

The News - Keep up-to-date!

Read newspapers on a daily basis - Particularly the business and appointments pages. It is a good way to become familiar with the terminology used in job descriptions and you can tailor your CV accordingly.

Read company announcements - Often they give details of new products, services and niche markets that may suit your skills. You can then apply on spec to the company mentioning your particular skills and experience in this area.

Read specialist publications - These are particularly relevant to your market and would have the added advantage of giving you discussion points about competition for your target employer and new developments in their field that may affect their business. This not only gives you a target list but also helps you give a good impression at interview.

Internet Search

Job sites - You can register on job sites for email alerts and also flag roles to suit your skills and experience.

Post your CV on these job sites, but be warned that this may not be the most discreet way of seeking a new job and may well be discovered by your current employer.

Use Your Network

Talk to friends about the possibility of opportunities in their companies if they work in your target area. They may know of an ideal role for you!

Look on LinkedIn for any contacts in your target market that you feel could be of benefit to you. You can also state on your profile that you’re interested in hearing about positions. Also, make sure that your profile is complete with relevant keywords.

Talk to your professional institute - They are always eager to help their members and look on the professional body websites. Many of them have their own job pages.

Use your college alumni network - chances are that some of your former college acquaintances will be working in the area you want to target and can help out with advice and direction.

Register with a Recruitment Company

Recruitment companies are there specifically to help you find a job - They already have the contacts so it makes sense to use them. Check if they appear on the general websites or if they have affiliations to professional institutes in your market. If they do, then more than likely they will understand your market and your role and will have the appropriate contacts.

Confidentiality is a big issue particularly at senior level and using a third party such as a specialist recruiter guarantees you discretion.

Any reputable consultancy will be able to advise you on CV structure and tailoring it for the specific roles you want.

Constructive feedback on interviews - You can expand on points during your second interview or if you are not successful, you will get an explanation as to why. This means you get the opportunity to improve your interview skills and learn for the next time.

HOT TIP! Type in the job title that you want into a general search engine and see which job sites come up first. These are likely to have the best SEO ranking and therefore a wider selection of jobs.

For further advice on your job search, talk to your Brightwater Consultant by contacting our office on: 

Dublin | +353 1 662 1000 | [email protected]
Cork | +353 21 422 1000 | [email protected]