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How to get ahead in an IT interview #LovingIT

15 Feb 2018

Hugh McCarthy

If you work in IT, you are aware the job market is in a very healthy place for most IT disciplines, whether you work in Software Engineering, anything Data related or Infrastructure. While there are many job opportunities, the market is still competitive and companies are discerning about who they bring into their teams, both in terms of technical capabilities and cultural fit.

The overriding feedback we get from our clients as to why someone performed very well in an interview and someone else did not set the world alight, largely boils down to perceptions around enthusiasm and the candidate’s passion for their chosen field.

It is important that in an interview situation you convey a sense that you love what you do.

How do you get this across?

  1. Above and beyond – For those candidates who are in certain fields such as Software Engineering or Data Analytics or in Creative areas like UX or Design, it really adds value being able to present something you have done by way of a pet project outside your primary role, portfolios, Github contributions etc. Doing something of your own volition really creates a positive sense, that you are in a field that you love, to the point you are engaging within your area in your spare time.


  2. Ongoing education- Within most IT areas things evolve so quickly, new tools, new methodologies, new frameworks etc. Self-study and continuous education display your intent to stay on trend and a passion for what you do. If you feel there is a gap on your CV and there is something that you can do to fill that gap, do a course, online or offline, it doesn’t matter. Employers will regard your desire to stay up to date very positively.


  3. Enthusiasm and positivity- we often receive feedback from our clients re candidates who are hired that they just lit up the room with their enthusiasm and passion for their area. Yes, technical performance at interview is important, however it is how you get this across that is most important. Have positive stories, successes, engage and be charismatic. Interviewers hire people both they and their teams will want to work with. Enthusiasm is infectious and is one of the most important attributes to display in order to get hired.

Be passionate about what you do by keeping your skill set current, doing extracurricular work and being your best self at interview. Show you love what you do!