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November Blue Ribbon Winner Dublin

06 Dec 2019

Ian Donnelly

Congratulations Ian Donnelly Senior Consultant within our IT Division in our Dublin office on winning the Blue Ribbon for the month of November!

Ian has carved out a niche in cyber security & IT audit and is absolutely exceptional when it comes to candidate sourcing. Congratulations and well-done Ian.

What industry and area do you recruit in? 
Cyber security

How long have you been working in recruitment? 
A very long time.. 

What is your favourite part of your job? 
Answering these questions…

What was your background before recruitment? 
I was a forklift driver believe it or not.. 

What has been your highlight since starting in Brightwater?
Obviously winning the blue ribbon!!!

If you could have dinner with 2 people, current or historical, who would they be? 
Maradona and Chevy Chase all day!

What is your go-to Christmas movie? 
National Lampoons Christmas vacation, cant beat a bit of Chevy!
What is your fondest Christmas memory? 
They are all a blur, so I suppose blur (not the band)!!

Coloured Christmas lights or plain? 
Both, get them all on! 

What’s your favourite part of Christmas dinner? 

The honey sauce for the ham. Would have a bath in it…

What is your favourite Christmas song? 
Easy! Stay now E17

What was the worst Christmas present you either gave or received? 
I gave 3 scratch cards to an ex before, not impressed at all!  

If you would like to discuss any recruitment needs you and your team may be experiencing or to join our award-winning team, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Brightwater team on [email protected] or 01 662 1000