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Putting The Talk Back Into Recruitment

30 Nov 2017

Tom Wilkinson

Probably the most enjoyable thing about working in the recruitment industry is the number of people you interact with on a daily basis. It’s energising! As a recruiter you have the opportunity to speak with lots of people, to build lots of good relationships whilst enjoying some light banter, and all of this whilst doing your job. Daily networking certainly beats staring at a screen all day.

In recent years we have allowed email replace the phone as our primary mode of business communication whilst face to face candidate meetings for us recruiters have to some degree been replaced by the Skype meeting. The result being less human contact and ultimately less business relationships, leading to quieter offices. Who wants to work in a quiet recruitment office?

For the candidate currently job hunting in such a competitive market, reaching out to your recruiter could be the difference in you landing the job of your dreams or not! Here are some of the top reasons you should not hesitate to call your recruiter:

The inside track

Our recruiters have a long-established, built up relationship with hiring managers and senior management in many companies. Having such a trusted relationship in place means our recruiters have taken the time to really understand what the client is looking for and if a prospective candidate is the right fit.

Your worth!

Our recruiters are experts in their field and as a result know which skills and experience are in demand at any time – this is good news for you. It means recruiters know your value within the market and most importantly, what employers are willing to pay.

It could change your life

How will you ever know what’s out there if you don’t pick up the phone? It takes 5 minutes to listen to some information that could potentially set you up with the job of your dreams!

Talking on the phone and reaching out to your recruiter instead of sending an employer an impersonal email and CV will lead to better and stronger relationships.

A famous actor once said it’s good to talk whilst psychologists tell us it is important to talk. Today try the phone before you email…in fact try the number twice. Talking; it’s so much more fun! 

Talk about your career with Tom Wilkinson on 021 422 1000 or email [email protected]