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Brightwater Blog

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xoxo The BW Tribe

14 Feb 2020

Roses are red, Brightwater is Blue, We have a secret, We love working with you!

In one way or another, you could say that love is always in the air at Brightwater. We love the clients we work with, love matching candidates with their dream job, love the excitement of this dynamic industry. Most importantly, however, we love the dedication and commitment of our most important asset: our Brightwater tribe.

To show our appreciation to each and every one of our dedicated staff members, Cupid came to visit all three Brightwater offices across Dublin, Cork and Belfast! Everyone was delivered a personalised card and Valentines-appropriate sweets to match! A small token but hopefully meaningful reminder of our utmost appreciation for the hard work put in year-round.

Happy Valentines Day All!!

XOXO The Brightwater Tribe

There is a secret in Brightwater