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Event Details
  • Street Dublin Road, Lyrath
  • City Kilkenny
  • Country Ireland

Influence is a new, one day leadership conference that will see hundreds of leaders and change-makers  gather to answer the question; what next? In an era of unprecedented flux, Influence will, shed light and deliver insights about what Chartered Accountants can do today to position their organisation to harness the latest in disruptive technologies.

Inspirational and thought-provoking sessions included a Davos speaker who is the ‘go to’ thinker on global restructuring and organisational transformation, Ravin Jesuthasan, MD of Willis Towers Watson and Amy Ball of PWC on AI and robotics,  Kingsley Aikins Founder and CEO of the Networking Institute on diversifying your network and Australian martial artist and TED speaker Nadine Champion,  who will show how with ‘10 seconds of courage’ anyone can overcome the impossible.

The Brightwater team were there for the two days and talked to all the attendees about market trends, job information and salary levels in accountancy & finance. Congratulations to Tim O'Keeffe of Copsey Murray who was the happy winner of the Brightwater prize draw of a €250 voucher for Lyrath Hotel.