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Brightwater - Temps of The Month

08 Dec 2016

Read about our Temps of the Month during 2016.

Each month Brightwater receives feedback from our clients who avail of our temping services and the temp who has received the best feedback is awarded a voucher and certificate from Brightwater in recognition of their hard work. 

Congratulations to Alyssa Quinn, September's Temp of the Month. Alyssa has been working on a temporary basis with Zurich Life Assurance. Her manager is particularly pleased with her "Alyssa is polite, professional and always gives 100% to her duties, well done Alyssa".

Alyssa is pictured below with Karyn Glennon of Brightwater Recruitment.

October - OG

Congratulations to Meabh O'Shea, October's Temp of The Month who was previously temping with Procorre. Meabh is an extremely worthy winner of September's Temp of the Month. "The feedback we received regarding her positivity and work ethic has been outstanding. Congratulations Meabh - well deserved!"

Meabh is pictured below with Karyn Glennon and Emma Anglim of Brightwater.

September - OG

Congratulations to Karen Byrne who was Decembers Temp of The Month. Karen was temping in Dublin Port at the time. "Karen is an exemplary temp for Brightwater, she is so accommodating, polite and good humoured and the feedback we receive from our clients when Karen has worked with them is always magnificent. Well done Karen!"

Karen is pictured below with Emma Anglim and Karyn Glennon of Brightwater.

December - OG

If you are interested in a career in temping then click here to find out more or contact Karyn Glennon on 01 6621000 | [email protected] for a confidential discussion about your career.