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Cork is the real digital capital!

16 Mar 2017

Leonie Gleeson & Sarah O'Shea

Cork the second capital of Ireland is home to many great things and many industries including engineering and pharmaceutical and now it’s fast becoming the technology capital. The profile of Cork-based tech firms is wide ranging with household names in the industry such as Apple, McAfee and EMC all based in Cork.

Cork takes its market share as a technology hub through the significant technology industry and through other industries like manufacturing and services companies in the region.  The start-up scene is also well supported. The city’s incubators include Gateway University College Cork (UCC) and the Tyndall National Institute. The Rubicon Centre and UCC’s IGNITE Programme are home to the city’s startup programmes. And support is never far away with the Cork Local Enterprise Office, IDA Ireland and CorkBIC.

The “real capital” (as we might be slightly biased) is renowned for independence and a laid back attitude and is home to a number of foreign expats so you are guaranteed a rich and diverse culture to greet you while you have an amazing experience in Cork. The city is also well known for its vibrant nightlife and outdoor activities and green countryside to pubs, restaurants and live music. Crowds flock from all over the country to the annual international jazz festival.

Cork offers the opportunity to work for ground-breaking companies without having to relocate to the “big smoke”. Cork has a fantastic mix of global technology corporations and cutting edge start up technology companies. NGINX, Apple and Facebook are just the latest to expand their presence in Cork and the drive to bring more talent to the “real capital” will provide candidates with an ideal opportunity for career progression and development.

Job creation in Cork is certainly evident with expansions to existing operations or start ups seeking talent becoming a regular requirement. Over the past few years, we have seen a shift in demand for various roles with there being an increased demand for software developers. For a developer, there is a large number of companies in Cork that are looking for front end and back end developers to expand and progress their career. With that skill-set in demand we are seeing a drive to bring that talent into Cork. It is the ideal location for someone who is looking for a great city to work in and a culture that could rival that of Silicon Valley!

For more information on our IT roles please contact Leonie Gleeson or Sarah O’Shea in our Cork office on 021 4221000.