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Hiring Temporary Staff & the Benefits to your Business

06 Sep 2017

Brightwater Cork

Brightwater’s Cork office has grown its temporary and contract division significantly over the last couple of years. Our experienced consultants specialise in placing the best temporary candidates across accountancy, engineering, business support and IT sectors. Our expert consultants outline the benefits that temporary employees can bring to your organisation.

New Skills

New projects often require new skill sets, outside of the skill currently available within teams in your organisation. Temporary staff bring new skills and perspectives, which can lead to improved efficiencies, new perspectives and the development of new ideas!

Any change to the skill sets available within an organisation can ensure fresh talent is developed and oftentimes influences permanent employees to step up their game.

Cost Efficient

Overall the cost of hiring temporary employees is cheaper than permanent employees. The flexibility offered by the hourly rate payment collated through a weekly timesheet ensures very little administration required by the client.

Temporary Hires are also a way to circumnavigate head-count freezes. It also allows you to really simplify the hiring process – time and money can be saved by allowing a recruitment company to screen and interview temporary employees before they begin working for you.

Try Before you Buy

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of recruitment is finding the right fit for a potential employee. Hiring temporary employees gives you the option to “try before you buy”!

Employers can evaluate temporary workers over a period of time without committing fully. Before you decide to bring someone into your organisation and make a large investment in time as well as resources, let them prove themselves. This can take some of the stress away when finding permanent staff. Having a short-term employee in place ensures that you take your time finding the right hire.

Boost Morale

Experienced Temporary employees can really help improve morale within an organisation - overworked, stressed employees can be a hindrance on any organisation. Temporary employees ensure a lot of the workload is evenly shared and helps keep your employees happy.

Is your organisation looking for temporary employees? Contact Brightwater Cork to discuss your options on 021 422 1000.