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You’ve Got Your Leaving Cert Results – Now What?

17 Aug 2016


It’s that time of year again – 50,000 students across Ireland have this morning received their Leaving Cert results. This can be a time of delight for some, however can also mean dejection for others. The Brightwater team would like to congratulate anyone who has completed their Leaving Cert and have put together some useful advice whatever your results.

1st & 2nd Round Offers

On August 22nd first round places will be offered. If you got the points you wanted and believe you should be offered a place on your preferred course, happy days! If not, don’t worry you may still be offered a place during the second round offers, which takes place on the 31st of August. Be aware that points for college courses vary year on year and can be difficult to predict – don’t jump to any conclusions until you have been officially offered a place on your chosen course.

Further Education - Post Leaving Cert Courses

Post Leaving Cert courses are a great option for anyone who didn’t get the points they needed and know what degree they want. PLCs offer courses on a wide range of areas and help prepare students for progression to Universities and Institutes of Technology. Often PLC courses will award either a Level 5 or Level 6 certificate, which can help with progression to a level 7 or 8 degree. The majority of colleges will reserve places especially for PLC graduates and can also provide certain exceptions for students in terms of subjects.

Deferring Your Place

If you’ve been offered a place on a course, great news! Remember if you’re still not sure if it’s the right course for you some colleges will allow you to defer your place for one year. Get in contact with the admissions office of the college immediately and discuss your options.

Later Offers & Vacant Places

In some cases certain colleges may make offers to applicants after the 31st of August. Remember, just because you accept or reject a previous offer – you may still receive a later offer. Also, consider the option of taking up a vacant place. The CAO website will provide a list of vacant places in all third level institutions in Ireland, if you meet the minimum requirements of a certain course you are welcome to apply. 


Remember, third level education isn’t for everyone and even if you haven’t achieved the results you wanted, there are plenty of other avenues to success. Apprenticeships or learning a trade can be a great alternative and offers a direct route into a chosen career.

The Leaving Cert is one of the toughest exams you will face. Not getting the result you wanted, although it may not feel like it, is not the end of the world. You can repeat your exams or even take a year to figure things out. It is also worth remembering many successful individuals did not have a particularly glittering results leaving school. Niall Horan, Simon Cowell, Richard Branson and Lord Alan Sugar left school before 16 and went on to become multi-millionaires.

For both parents and students considering their options after the Leaving Cert the National Parents Council is staffed by professional guidance counsellors - call on 1800-265-165