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5 Top Tips for Starting a New Job

12 Aug 2016

Eileen Moloney

Starting a new job is always intimidating regardless of experience. First days can prove a mixture of anticipation, engagement, and disorientation. During your first number of weeks it is critical to make the right impression with your new employer and colleagues. New recruits should be aware that there are a number of steps you can take in order to create a seamless transition into your new role.

  1. Be Punctual – The first step in making a great impression is to arrive early. Planning your new route to work will help alleviate some of the stress associated with your first day and guarantee you are organised for your start day.  New employees should aim to arrive to their new job ten to fifteen minutes early, this again will relieve some of the pressure of the day.


  2. Dress to Impress – Figuring out dress codes in a new organisation can prove difficult, many new starters may find it difficult to strike a balance between being over dressed and being under dressed. Clothes can play a big part in first impressions when meeting new people. As general rule new employees should aim to be slightly over dressed as opposed to being under dressed. However, if unsure it may be best to contact the HR department of your new employer, prior to your first day.


  3. Preparation is Key – Reviewing your job description, as well as doing plenty of research on your manager and new employer is vitally important. This will help ensure you are clear on the duties in your new role and what is expected of you. It also helps to sit down with your manager their expectations of you for the next few weeks. Setting yourself targets will allow you to monitor your performance, as well as meet achievable goals. This will also ensure you manage your time efficiently and feel that you are making progress within your new role.


  4. Meeting the Team - Enthusiasm is a key element of any first day, especially when meeting new people. Taking the initiative to introduce yourself to everyone you meet will not only leave a good impression, it will boost your confidence as well. One of the keys to success in your new position will be networking with others and being a team player. Some organisations organise lunch on the first day for their new recruits as a way of meeting other people on the team. Do try and take advantage of all invitations coming your way, as it helps create a bond.


  5. Patience – As with any new position patience is essential. Take advantage of your first number of weeks within a new job to ask questions regularly and do not hesitate to take notes. This period is a prime opportunity to discuss the direction and strategy of the business and consider where your role fits within the bigger picture of the organisation.

Starting a new job can be a daunting experience for anyone, however remembering to come in to the organisation with an open mind, enthusiasm and persistence will prove a key part of success in your new position.

For further advice on starting a new job, talk to your Brightwater Consultant by contacting our office on:

Dublin | +353 1 662 1000 | [email protected]

Cork | +353 21 422 1000 | [email protected]