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Estelle Davis

08 Mar 2018

To mark International Women’s Day Brightwater is celebrating inspirational women. We are championing women who are leaders in their field and make a difference in their community. In this profile we are highlighting Estelle Davis, Managing Partner of Brightwater Executive, as an inspirational woman.

Q - What 3 things do you love about your current role?
A - Variety, continuous learning and client centricity and focus of our job

Q - What is your favorite part of your current role ?
A - Building business relationships with clients and candidate alike and working with our internal teams here in Brightwater

Q - What has been your proudest moment within your career to date?
A - The success and market share Brightwater Executive division has achieved since its establishment 6 years ago

Q - What has been your greatest career achievement to date?
A - Being appointed to the board of Brightwater Group.

Q - What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

A - From my late father before he passed away when I was 8 “Treat others with respect and as you would want to be treated and as you go through life and work, continued success will come in many forms and ways.
Q - If there was one thing you could tell your younger self, what would it be?
A - Stop to smell the roses when work can sometimes consume you…

Q - What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed within the workplace?
A - Focus on your job when you on the job, work hard, don’t play to politics and stay true to your integrity and getting end results that translate to meeting your personal and team goals.  

Q - From your experience to date what have you learned about being in a Leadership role?
A - Listen, advise when you can and when it makes sense if it’s adding value, let people step up when both know it’s the right time. Mistakes are fine, as long as you learn and improve upon and nail it correctly the next time. Work with integrity, transparency and honesty.Mentoring others is what I love and it’s one of my favorite parts of my job.I get a kick from seeing people grow in their role and technical expertise.

Estelle Davis, Managing Partner - Brightwater Executive & Board Director - Brightwater Group