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Behind every new job is a door to different opportunities!

07 Feb 2018

Emma Anglim

Temp jobs open up a world of opportunity. Every assignment exposes you to new people and new contacts. You never know where paths may cross further down the line and what temp role may lead to an employer referring you to another department/company that they know is recruiting.

Networking is an invaluable tool and when it comes to growing your network and meeting new people, there is no better way to do this in your career than becoming a temp. As a temp worker you will be meeting with more contacts than you could ever develop on your own.

If you excel in a temporary job, then it’s likely that you could excel in a full-time permanent role if that is what you want. If you wish to continue in temping, then building up a network of contacts and a great track record and experience is vital. If you make a good impression in a temp role, spread the word that you are looking for another role once that’s finished. Add hiring managers and co-workers on LinkedIn. If you are interested in a particular role, ask someone in that role to go out for coffee and pick that person’s brain about how they got started. Ask if they have any tips for you or connections who may be hiring. You never know which conversation could result in an interview!

Speaking of excelling as a temp, Brightwater is delighted to announce Ciara O’Brien as our worthy winner of Temp of the Month for January 2018. Since beginning her temp journey with Brightwater, we have had nothing but positive and complimentary feedback regarding Ciara’s performance, she is punctual, enthusiastic and always willing to take on new tasks. Well done Ciara!

For a confidential conversation around temping opportunities with Brightwater, contact Emma Anglim on 01 662 1000.