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November True Blue Winner

06 Dec 2019

Dara Nugent

Congratulations Dara Nugent who has received the True Blue award for the month of November!

This months True Blue deservedly  goes to none other than Dara Nugent. Dara is an invaluable asset to the Dublin office and Brightwater group as a whole. Her willingness and ability to go above and beyond for co-workers and associates alike is unparelled and certainly not overlooked. Daras boundless energy, hard work and sense of humour are a constant source of upliftment for all in the Dublin office and testament to her amazing character. Congratulations Dara! 

How long have you been working in Brighwater? 
Nearly five years! It has flown by

What is your favourite part of your job? 
I couldn’t pin point one thing but at the top would be creating solutions and getting to the route of any queries - Aoife Clarke calls me Jessica Fletcher.
Then maybe fixing the coffee machine! Haha 

What has been your highlight since starting in Brightwater?
My promotion in the summer!

Who are you amongst your friends? 
The princess! haha

If you could have dinner with 2 people, current or historical, who would they be? 
Holly Willoughby and Bruce Forsyth

What is your go-to Christmas movie? 
I’m not a fan of Christmas movies, but if I have to pick it will have to be Elf

What is your fondest Christmas memory? 
Dinner in my nanny’s house with the whole family.  

Coloured Christmas lights or plain? 
As much as I love pink, I would have to say plain!

What’s your favourite part of Christmas dinner?
 The roast potatoes

What is your favourite Christmas song? 

I don’t like Christmas songs either!

What was the worst Christmas present you either gave or received? 
That’s a really hard question I love giving and presents so I hope I never gave a bad one. Maybe some sort of homemade gift I would have fobbed of to my parents when I was younger 

If you would like to discuss any recruitment needs you and your team may be experiencing or to join our award-winning team, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Brightwater team on [email protected] or 01 662 1000