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Why people are choosing Temporary Jobs over Permanent Jobs...

14 Jun 2019

Emma Anglim

What is the difference between temporary, contract or interim jobs? Emma Anglim, Associate Director of Brightwater's Business Support division discusses the differences between these three options so you can decide what would be the perfect solution for you?

For many people, flexibility in their job / career is key. Whether it’s working around childcare issues, a desire to travel or simply not wanting to be tied down to one job/organisation for too long, there are plenty of reasons to decide that temping is the best for your career. Sometimes a permanent job just can’t offer what you require so temporary, contract or interim jobs are the perfect solution. So what’s the difference between the three options and what would suit you?

Temporary Worker
As a temporary worker, you will more than likely be employed through a recruitment agency/consultancy rather than being directly employed by the organisation itself. A perception may exist that agency workers do not have the same rights as a permanent member of staff but since 2012 and the advent of AWD, any temporary worker has the same rights and access to facilities as a permanent worker. While you may not receive the same benefits, the flexibility of temping may suit you far better than a permanent role.

Temping is also a great way of getting back into work after some time off, either through maternity leave, a sabbatical, time way to study/upskill or after a period of unemployment. It offers you:

  • Flexibility in duration of role
  • Exposure to new systems
  • Experience of different company cultures
  • A real insight into how that company works

It’s basically a paid “try before you buy” kind of gig which can often lead to an offer of permanent employment if that employer is happy with your performance. Temporary jobs can last as little as one day or as long as a year and are available at most levels from entry level up to management. Typical disciplines that temporary roles tend to be prevalent in include office administration, retail and accountancy.

People who take contract jobs usually are involved in a particular project or are brought in for their niche expertise. It’s particularly prevalent in IT and engineering but is also used where organisations are going through transitional periods and need experts for guidance. Contractors are usually employed on a fixed term contract or on a rolling basis depending on the type of role or project.

Interim Management
Interim managers are slightly different from both temporary and contractors in that they are expected to make a visible difference almost immediately and have the required expertise and knowledge to lead a team. They would usually have a completion bonus upon finish of their project. This could last anything from 3 months up to 1 year.  

Whatever temporary options fulfil your own key requirements, there’s no doubt that there are plenty of opportunities for those wishing for flexibility in their working arrangements.

For more advice, call Emma Anglim, Associate Director, Brightwater on (01) 6621000