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ACCA Financial Services Chairman’s Breakfast

26 Oct 2016

Brightwater was delighted to sponsor the ACCA Financial Services Chairman’s Breakfast in the Gibson Hotel. The Brightwater financial services team of Eimear Walsh, Sara Goulding, Chloe Sheils, Lyn White, Grace Caraher and Annita McGettigan, along with Estelle Davis and Jean Heylin of the Brightwater Executive team were all in attendance at this highly topical morning.

Bernard Byrne CEO of AIB gave an interesting discussion about the current Irish financial services market and the likely impact of Brexit on the Irish banking sector. Bernard’s speech covered varying topics such as AIB’s challenge to cut costs and become more customer friendly, the importance of data analytics in financial services. AIB has recently sponsored a chair of Data Analytics in DCU and a chair of Behavioural Economics in UCD, in a move towards digital platforms in banking. Recently Bernard was appointed President of Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) and in March 2016 he was appointed Deputy President of the Institute of Banking (IOB).

Bernard’s talk finished on a positive note – “Ireland is an attractive market to operate” certainly good news for the IFSC and the financial services sector in the capital. From our own point of view this is a welcome sentiment and seems to match our own experience of the financial services employment market at the moment. Many large banking, funds and investment institutions already have European bases in Dublin, with many others considering the move from London.  

On the recruitment front, the Brightwater team have noticed a change in potential candidates testing the water in the Irish employment market. Interestingly, along with Irish candidates considering the move back home, Europeans with languages such as Spanish, Italian and French seem to be looking at a move to Dublin. The general consensuses seems to indicate that the uncertainty in the London the financial services sector is a big factor in this upsurge of interest.

To discuss your future in financial services and what could be the next step in your career, please contact the Brightwater team on (01) 662 1000.