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Automation/MES Engineer – Pharma

08 Mar 2019

Automation/MES Engineer in the pharmaceutical industry discusses what first prompted him into the world of engineering and what a typical working day looks like for him.

Q.  What qualifications do you have?
A.  Bsc, Chemical Engineering
     Post Grad Diploma in Pharamceutical Production (NFQ level 9) 

Q.  What made you choose engineering as a career?
  An i
nterest in Science from earlier age as well as fascination with solving problems 

Q.  What are the different aspects of your job?
A.  Plan, Design, Implementation and sustaining of MES Project works in the Biopharmaceutical Manaufaction environment

Q.  Describe your typical day?
Check and response to emails, morning meeting and implementation on going multiple projects at different stages. 

Q.  Is there a constant need to upskill in your particular area?
A.  Yes

Q.  If so, how do you upskill?
A.  Joining the ISPE (Society of Pharma engineer as a committee member, organising and Attending events) gives the opportunity to meet people in the industry across different continent and engineering discipline. Further, third level degree (like Post Grad Diploma) 

Q.  Are you supported by your employers in this?
A.  Yes

Q. Engineering took a huge hit during the recession. What do you think can be done to future proof your industry / sector?

A. Investment in R & D in Universities / Institute of Tech and DIT, promotion and support of societies like ISPE, Engineering Ireland etc.