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Electrical Services Design Student - TU Dublin

08 Mar 2019

Sheevoughn Gammad

Sheevoughn Gammad, Electrical Services Design Student at Technological University Dublin discusses what first prompted her into the world of engineering.

Q.  What course are you studying?
A.   Electrical Services Design at Technological University Dublin 

Q.  What year are you in?
A.   First Year

Q.  Why did you choose this course?
A.  I enjoy working with technology and learning how things work and how to build them myself

Q.  How many women are in your course?
A.  1

Q. Did any drop out and if so, at what stage?
A. A few people dropped out before Christmas

Q. Do you remember the first time you thought about/considered a career in engineering?
A.  As a kid I was watching Meet the Robinsons and I thought it would be cool to be able to build this kind of stuff myself, so I asked my dad what kind of job would you need to be able to invent things. He said maybe an engineer or computer programmer and that's when I considered those two options

Q.  Do you have any role models in the industry? 
A.  Steve jobs and bill gates because even though they dropped out of college, they were able to do so much and that shows me that if you keep working, something will come out of it

Q.  When were you aware of them?
A.  When I was a first year in secondary school.

Q. Is there or has there been any Engineers in your immediate family or friend group?
A. I have a few friends that are engineers

Q. Do you think an interest in Engineering could have been sparked in school?
A. Yes we did small science projects in primary school that I really enjoyed

Q. Do you think there are subject choices and correct careers guidance towards Engineering in secondary school?
A. In some secondary schools they have metal work, wood work an IT which helps towards Engineering but not all secondary schools have that

Q. Do you know the career paths available to you after this course?
I can move into a level 8 course for two more years or I could try to apply for a job in engineering

Q. In what sector do you see yourself working after college?
Electronic Engineering or Computer Engineering

Q. Are there any particular companies you have targeted that you would like to work in following qualification?
A. Apple or Microsoft

Q. If so, why do they appeal to you over other companies?
They're always trying to build new technology

Q. Have you considered working abroad?
Yes I would like to work in America or Canada

Q. Are you part of a “Women in Engineering” or a “Women in Stem” group?
I'm apart of the Esteem project in DIT

Q. Do you think they play an important part in supporting women in your industry?
A. Yes because they provide us with opportunities to meet women in the industry

Q. Do you feel that there should be more support for women going into or working in Engineering?
Yeah because its hard for women with there being so many men in the industry. It's hard even in education when we always surrounded by men

Q. If so, what do you think can be done?
It's not being encouraged enough in secondary schools, secondary schools need to give the students more opportunities to try aspects of engineering. Especially in all girls schools a lot of them don't do metal work, woodwork or IT