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Quality Engineer - Manufacturing

08 Mar 2019

A Quality Engineer specialising in manufacturing discusses what first prompted him into the world of engineering and what a typical working day looks like for him

Q.  What qualifications do you have?
A.  Certificate In Electronics 

      Degree in Electronics and Computer Systems
      Degree in Electrical Services and Energy Management

Q.  What made you choose engineering as a career?
  I love a challenge in all that I do

Q.  What are the different aspects of your job?
A.  Quality management, document control and business leadership relation to customer as regards quality of products

Q.  Describe your typical day?
Review emails, address documentation issues, ensure smooth running if production and address any quality issues. Communication to staff of issues and reducing reoccurrence.

Q.  Is there a constant need to up-skill in your particular area?
A.  Yes. I am currently doing a specialist diploma in six sigma system to achieve black belt. 

Q.  If so, how do you up-skill?
A.  Complete University of Limerick specialist diploma course 

Q.  Are you supported by your employers in this?
A.  No, this is something I did myself. 

Q. Engineering took a huge hit during the recession. What do you think can be done to future proof your industry / sector?

A. Ensure that a basic understanding of robotics is inbuilt to all courses.