FAQs for Flexible Hiring Solutions

For answers to FAQ's about either hiring a temporary / contract worker or taking on a contract as a professional, please see just a sample of videos below from our expert consultants:
Charlie Bigger of our Technology Contracts division explains why employers should hire contract or temporary staff including access to more skills and flexiblity on length of contracts to cover specific projects or manage heavy workloads.
Charlie 2 Reasons why you should hire contractors_video
Derek Smyth of our Technology Contracts division talks about why there has been an uplift in the contracts space for IT professionals
Uplift in IT contracts space
Charlie Bigger, Senior Principal Consultant with our Technology division answers the 3 top questions from jobseekers about contracting: (1) Queries about mortage applications as a contractor (2) Job Security as a contractor and (3) Uncertainties around contracting.
Top 3 questions from candidates about contracting
Emma Anglim outlines all the reasons why employers may need to hire temporary /contract staff including counteracting headcount freezes, project work or workload cover.
Why would an employer need temporary staff?
Getting set up as a contractor is easy as ABC, especially when firms like Contracting Plus are there to asisst. Charlie Bigger of our Technology Contracts division chats with Aimee Madden of Contracting Plus and answers all your questions about contracting.
How to get set up as a contractor – with Aimee Madden of Contracting Plus
How easy is it to successfully apply for a mortgage when you're a contractor? Derek Smyth gets all the answers from David O'Reilly from Fenero.
Are contractors at a disadvantage when it comes to mortgage applications – with David O’Reilly from Fenero
From maternity & holiday cover to managing busy workloads, Emma Anglim outlines why organisations should consider hiring temporary and/or contract staff.
Advantages of temporary employees