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Terms of Engagement for Temporary Workers

  1. Brightwater Selection (Ireland) Ltd here and after referred to as Brightwater will offer temporary assignments to you with a hirer (hereinafter called “the client”).
  2. You agree to give an honest representation of professional qualifications and level of experience.
  3. When engaged on a temporary assignment: 
    • Please follow all reasonable instruction given by the Client and seek supervision directly from the Client.
    • You agree to act in a manner befitting an employee of the Client and follow the Client’s company rules.
    • You will keep Brightwater informed about any changes in responsibility, hours or financial remuneration.
    • Please inform Brightwater in the first instance about any grievance.
    • Please inform Brightwater of sickness before 9.00am via a telephone call.
    • You will adhere to keep confidential all sensitive material which you may have access to during the course of your assignment.
    • Please inform Brightwater of any holidays you plan to take.
    • You are responsible to adhere to all health & safety policies and procedures of the client.
  4. You agree to keep Brightwater informed about any discussions with the client regarding permanent employment, and you will not seek employment with the client within a twelve-month period of completing an assignment without notifying Brightwater.
  5. As is the nature of temporary assignments, any party (Candidate, Client or Employment Business) can choose to discontinue the assignment at any time, for any reason, with one hour’s notice. Such reasons can include (but are not limited to) unsatisfactory performance, poor attendance and Client withholding payment. If an assignment has been terminated, the Temporary Worker will follow the instructions given by Brightwater Recruitment.
  6. In order to comply with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997, all temporary workers agree to abide by the following rules:
    • All temporary workers agree to inform both the Client and Brightwater of any work carried out other than any assignment issued from them, either paid or unpaid.
    • Temporary workers who feel requests for any duty directly in conflict with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 are duty bound to inform the Client and Brightwater directly.
  7. Holiday pay for PAYE workers is calculated and paid in accordance with the EU legislation. Holiday pay is accrued as you work and holiday pay cannot be taken before it has been accrued.
  8. PAYE Temporary Workers: 
    • When engaged on a temporary assignment, Brightwater is solely responsible for your remuneration.
    • You will be paid an hourly rate which will be determined prior to the commencement of an assignment and subject to deductions for the purposes of PRSI, PAYE, USC charge or any other purpose for which the Company is required by law to make deductions.
    • Payment of wages will be made weekly and only after receipt of a time sheet signed by the Client agreeing the hours worked by you.
    • Brightwater will liaise with our client (hiring organisation) to ensure full compliance with the Protection of the Employees (Temporary Agency Workers) Act 2012.

    Limited Company Contractors:

    In order to be paid as a limited company contractor by Brightwater you must supply the following information:

    • Certificate of Incorporation
    • VAT Registration number (if applicable)
    • Company Bank Details
For more information, please contact our office on +353 1 662 1000.