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Tax Office Information

What to do if…

A. You are working in Ireland for the first time
Apply for a PPS number. You can do this by contacting the Revenue at the number below. Unfortunately during this time you will be on Emergency tax. When you get your PPS number, contact the Revenue and tell them you are working for Brightwater. Give them our registered number (below) and they will issue a Tax Credit Cert to both you and us. We will then enter your Tax details onto the payroll system. At this stage you should be taken off emergency tax but this will depend on each individual.

B. You have returned from working abroad
Please contact the Revenue and tell them you are now working for Brightwater, giving them our Registered number (below). They will issue a Tax Credit Cert to both you and Brightwater.

C. You have ceased another employment and you have a P45
Please send your P45 (all parts) by post to our payroll department in Dublin or Cork. We will update your record on the system and send the relevant part to the Revenue, who will in turn issue both you and us with your Tax Credit Cert.

D. You have changed your address, bank details etc.
Please send any new information to the payroll department. If you have moved while working in Brightwater please let the payroll department know immediately otherwise your payslips will be going to your old address. The same will apply for bank details.

E. Ltd Company
Please send the original Certificate of Incorporation / Relevant VAT number or Professional Solutions details to our payroll department. Approved invoices will be paid each week.

Revenue Commissioners

District 4 Division 97
Unit 959 Argus Brugha
14-15 Upper O’Connell Street
Dublin 1
Tel: 1890 333 425


Revenue House Assumption Road
Tel: 1890 222 425

Brightwater Selection (Ireland) Ltd.

36 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2.

49 South Mall,

Our Registered No: 828 6849K
Our Vat No: IE 828 6849K

You may contact our payroll department with any queries you may have in relation to any of the above or tax issues, holidays, etc on 01 622 1000. Alternatively, you may email the relevant office at [email protected] or [email protected].