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Chartered Accountants Ireland Annual Dinner

06 Feb 2017

Brightwater was delighted to kick off our 2017 events calendar with sponsorship of the Chartered Accountants Annual Dinner on the 2nd of February in the Convention Centre.

Commercial Director Jean O’Donovan, Managing Partner of Brightwater Executive Estelle Davis and members of the accountancy recruitment team Ciarán Bergin, Robert Patterson and Annita McGettigan were all in attendance at this key networking event in the ACA calendar.

The evening commenced with the Presidents Reception and provided a great opportunity to meet with members of Chartered Accountants Ireland. Shortly after the dinner began, which was a celebration of Ireland’s high-quality food produce. Guests were welcomed by the MC of the night Eugene McCague, who introduced Pat Costello, CEO of Chartered Accountants Ireland and Liam Lynch, this year’s President. Both speakers provided topical and informative addresses to this years guests. 

James P Rubin analyst, consultant and commentator on world affairs and U.S. foreign policy was keynote speaker for the evening. Mr. Rubin served under President Bill Clinton as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. He was also Chief Spokesman for Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright from 1997 to 2000. Mr Rubin previously acted as a negotiator to secure the demobilization of the Kosovo Liberation Army. It was certainly interesting to hear his insights into the current state of global affairs and their impact of the world market.

While some uncertainty remains in the accountancy market following Brexit and the US presidential election, parts of the accountancy employment market remain solid. Recruitment activity in financial services and industry has slowed down somewhat, however once uncertainty about the market diminishes, job levels will increase again. We saw positive signs of growth in financial services towards the end of 2016 particularly in aircraft leasing, insurance, funds and asset management and we expect this to continue throughout 2017. We are seeing regular job creation announcements and increased trainee intake across practice which is a highly encouraging sign for the year ahead.

Are you ready to take control of your career? Contact Jean O’Donovan, Commercial Director of Brightwaters Accountancy division, on 01 662 1000 or email [email protected]