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Irish Brokers Association – Annual Conference 2016

23 Nov 2016

Brightwater Recruitment Consultants Emma O’Driscoll and Anneke Silva were delighted to sponsor and exhibit at the IBA Annual Conference at Croke Park on Thursday 17th of November.

This year’s conference was centered on the theme “Evolving Insurance Environment” and aimed to provide delegates with an indication of the current state of the insurance market in Ireland. The conference was opened by President of the IBA, Aidan Mcloughlin. The first discussion of the day was from Sylvia Cronin, Director of Insurance at the Central Bank of Ireland, followed by Conor O’Brien CEO of the Insurance Board. Next Ken Nutgrove, CEO of the RSA spoke. The afternoon’s session was closed by David Barniville, Senior Counsel Bar Council of Ireland. Finishing off the afternoon, there was a panel discussion moderated by Newstalk’s Chris Donoghue.

The theme of “The Evolving Environment” certainly proved relevant to today’s insurance market and it aimed to provide delegates with an overview of the changing landscape of the insurance sector in both in Ireland and globally in terms of changing regulations and other major impactors. Quite a few of this year’s topics focused on the subjects of solvency, claims, fraud, passporting and capacity, as well as the long-term stabilisation of the global insurance market.

From a recruitment perspective the employment market seems to be remaining relatively competitive, but it is worth noting some uncertainty still remains as a result of Brexit. Candidates should note that European languages are still in high demand and can really be beneficial for making someone stand out to employers. Following Brexit it will be interesting to see at a technical level, how requirements legislated by the EU such as Solvency II based roles will be affected in the coming number of months and years.

To discuss your career in insurance please do not hesitate to get in contact with recruitment consultant Emma O’Driscoll on 01 662 1000 or email [email protected]