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January Blue Ribbon Winner

07 Feb 2020

Annita McGettigan

Congratulations Annita McGettigan, Manager of our Accountancy Division in our Dublin office on winning the Blue Ribbon for the month of January!

Annita is the definition of a tenacious recruiter, consistently chasing leads and managing pipeline to ensure she delivers. She is hugely commercial and always thinks of the group when business developing and networking. Annita is also a great manager, very approachable and giving of her time to ensure the continued success of her dedicated team. She is always happy to help her colleagues in the business area and is a pleasure to work with. Well done Annita!

What industry and area do you recruit in?
Accountancy Temp & Contract

How long have you been working in recruitment? 
6.5 years approx

What is your favourite part of your job?
The speed!

What was your background before recruitment?
Marketing & Sales

What has been your highlight since starting in Brightwater?
Achieving the 1 million award and getting a trip to New York

Who are you amongst your friends?
The loyal one

What was your favourite holiday and why?
New York (same trip above) because I got engaged!

Name 3 things on your bucket list?
To go to South America, stop smoking, become better at cooking

What is your favourite book or film?
Dirty Dancing

Which of the characters from it would you be?
I actually don’t know to be honest don’t think I’d be any of them! (sorry)

If you could have dinner with 2 people, current or historical, who would they be? Marylin Monroe and my granny

What would you choose for your last meal?
Spaghetti Bolognaise

What was your first love?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Who do you love?
The list is endless! But Stephen, my family and my friends

What food do you love?
Again, the list is endless but top pf the list is probably bread, specifically sandwiches

What's your favourite love story?
The notebook

Is there a place that you love?
Home 😊

Describe a perfect first date:
Dinner and drinks and then go to a concert

If you would like to discuss any recruitment needs you and your team may be experiencing or to join our award-winning team, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Brightwater team on [email protected] or 01 662 1000